
5 Things Every Parent Wants To Hear From Their Kids

5 Things Every Parent Wants To Hear From Their Kids

Before our boys went back to college last month they had an assignment from their small group leaders. The assignment was to sit down with their parents and ask them three questions. It was the last question that got Mary and I thinking. Here it is…

What can I do to be a better son?

I took the question to mean, “what can I do to show you how important you are to me, how valuable you are to me. Is there anything I can do or say that will communicate that I love you and I am thankful to you.” Okay, maybe I read to much into it but that

Eye Rolling, Teenage Girls And What To Do About It

Eye Rolling, Teenage Girls And What To Do About It

Without question, 100% of the time, when I am speaking at a parenting or family conference answering the Modern Family Question, "What Should I Do When My Kids Are Rude?" I will encounter this scenario...

Craig to Audience: "Take the next minute and discuss with the person next to you what kind of rude behaviors your child or children display on occasion. When the time is up I will ask for a few responses."

Audience to Craig: "Talking back, interrupting, arguing, not saying please or thank you, entitlement, eye rolling."

Eye rolling always comes up and that's when I stop the audience feedback and ask the mom (it's always a mom who will bring this up) and ask her to repeat what she just said so everyone can hear. "I said, eye rolling." Here is my response back to the mom.

Craig To Mom: "Let me guess, you have a daughter between the ages of 10 and 13?"

Mom To Craig: "Yes!"

How do I know

Perfect Parenting And Why It’s Hurting Our Kids

Perfect Parenting And Why It’s Hurting Our Kids

Why does the family across the street have all together? They have a well kept home, nice cars (Always clean), great kids (Also, always clean). They are a great family and they appear to have it all together. I can tell you from experience this could all be true. Yes, they are a great family and yes, they appear to have it all together.

If you were to walk into our home you may get the feeling like we may have it all together. The reason why you may feel that way is because you have not walked upstairs. You are only seeing part of the way we live. We try to keep the downstairs “picked-up.” If you were to walk upstairs you may have a different “feeling” about our appearance. The point I am trying to make is appearances are rarely reality. Stop trying to be perfect because you think your neighbors are…they aren’t. You do not need to raise “perfect kids.” It an illusion you can not possibly achieve.

Here's the good news, you don’t have to be a perfect parent! And, if you think you border on perfectionistic parenting lets see what that may look like.

Nurturing The “Childish” Out of Leadership

Nurturing The “Childish” Out of Leadership

As parents we may say our kids are strong willed or defiant. When we are completely exhausted and exasperated we may think "brat." But, would you be open to the possibility of "Great Leader?”

Childish Leadership But Still Leadership

While boarding a flight last week I was in line behind a family of six. Dad, mom, three boys and a girl were returning home from a Disney Vacation here in California. While on the jetway the little girl, the oldest, kept moving ahead of the boys and mom and dad for that matter.

She wasn't belligerent about it she would just take one step further to be first or in front. Her brothers knew the game well I'm sure from repeated play over and over and over again.

Her youngest brother would "pull her chain" just about every other step trying to get in front of her. He would shuffle his feet to get an inch advantage then she would

Guest Post: Family Ministry Is Partnering With Parents By Heidi Hensley

Guest Post: Family Ministry Is Partnering With Parents By Heidi Hensley

When we speak of family ministry, we often land on a very popular portion of scripture in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 that I absolutely love and try to frequently share.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9

If you have attended a conference or training session lately, you have heard the term "family ministry" or even "multigenerational ministry" in many

Parental Frustration And How To Overcome It!

Parental Frustration And How To Overcome It!

We don’t want to avoid frustration, we want to overcome it! Ironically or unfortunately overcoming frustration as a parent means resting in it! How do I know this? I'm a parent! For those of you that have one child, the precious angel, who never does anything wrong, huge blessings on you! You won, you won the "child" lottery. Now, have another one, frustration is just around the corner.

As parents we have our fair share of emotionally dysregulated moments, sometimes on a daily or hourly basis. When those times come how do we

Guest Post: Finding Joy When Life Is Crazy Busy By Nikki Stevens

Guest Post: Finding Joy When Life Is Crazy Busy By Nikki Stevens

As a working mom of 4, I’m becoming quite the expert on how to survive as a busy parent. But while survival is great, if that’s all I’m trying to is just survive, then I’m selling myself short. The real challenge is to get through each day with a smile on your face and a bounce in your step. That, my friends, was the struggle I found myself in not long ago. I felt like my life was so busy that there was little left of my time or energy to spend on anyone else. It wasn’t easy at first, but I learned to be joyful in spite of a crazy busy schedule. I even managed to find a little time for myself!

4 Essential Habits For Finding Joy When Life Is Crazy Busy

1. Resist The Urge To Compare

I often catch myself making the mistake of