
3 Parenting Fears and How To Face Them

3 Parenting Fears and How To Face Them

I asked parents a question on social media not to long ago. The question was, “What do your worry about or fear the most as a parent?”

Here Are The Top 3 Answers:

1. I am afraid that my child will get hurt or get really sick.

2. I am afraid that my child will be bullied online or in person.

3. I am afraid my child will get off course in life.

I have been asking this question at parenting conferences and to individual parents for about a year now and the three answers above are pretty consistent with most parents.

When it comes to our children we want the absolute best for them. We don’t want them to get hurt, bullied or loose their way. I am with you and I have worried about

What Can Einstein Teach Us About Balanced Living?

What Can Einstein Teach Us About Balanced Living?

Urban legend suggests that Albert Einstein’s wardrobe consisted only of black pants, white shirts and black shoes. The reasoning behind the simple wardrobe was that it reduced his choices.

If Einstein only had white shirts, black pants and black shoes he had no choice about what he would wear that day. He had to wear a white shirt, black pants and black shoes.

In other words, he would not, could not stand in his closet looking at and contemplating his options. He simply reduced his ability to choose and by reducing his ability to choose he led a more simple life. I wonder if his philosophy has some

Why We Should Hug Our Kids Every Day (No Matter How Old They Are)

Why We Should Hug Our Kids Every Day (No Matter How Old They Are)

The Science

When our boys were born, our son Alec had to spend a few days in the NICU. During his stay, I found out something about the process of care for babies. The hospital had a volunteer program called “snugglers.” They are called snugglers because that is exactly what they do, snuggle. They spend hour upon hour picking up babies in the NICU, sitting down in a chair and holding them.

At the time, I thought the practice was a nice hospital amenity, but later I found out the research behind the power of touch in the NICU. “Benefits include stimulation of circulatory and gastrointestinal systems, better weight gain, lesser stress behavior, positive effects on neurological and neuromotor development . . . and improved sleep.” (See Footnote 1)

There is “A growing body of research has uncovered another dimension of touch that

5 Great Parenting Reminders

5 Great Parenting Reminders

Don't cry over spilled milk! Great advice, usually from parents and when it's not your milk! Accidents happen, and, when they happen again, it's frustrating. I don't know about you but I have let my frustration get the best of my parenting from time to time.

Have you ever been mad at your five-year-old for spilling his or her third glass of milk at dinner or finger painting on the refrigerator with butter or trying to play a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich in

Top 5 John Wooden Quotes Leaders Need To Know

Top 5 John Wooden Quotes Leaders Need To Know

The NCAA final Four Tournament ends this evening. There will be a winner and a looser. Although, arguably one of the greatest basketball coaches of all time, if not THE greatest coach of all time would say the looser didn’t really loose, they just ran out of time!

John Wooden was an incredible leader with penetrating and poignant wisdom which he often expressed with a quip or quote. They weren't just “good quotes” they were nuggets of memorable and transferable wisdom for us today.

His quotes weren't just for coaches or athletes either. They were for leaders, parents, students and whoever else would listen because they applied to all of life, not just basketball.

With that in mind here are my top 5

How To Create Space For A Healthy Family Pace

How To Create Space For A Healthy Family Pace

The picture above doesn't look like much, in fact, it doesn't look like anything at all! Garbled, unreadable, cluttered, stressful it just doesn't make sense. So, why the picture?

The picture is significant because it's this entire post without any space. Without space the message is unclear at best, unreadable at worst. Words on a page need space in order to make sense. We really don't notice when space is there, but when it isn't, we can all tell. Without space words loose their meaning. can see where I am going with this...Without space, people loose their meaning too.

Without space our

Why We Lose Our Children When They Become Teenagers

“My quiet, respectful, rule-following little angel has become a rude, pushy, aggressive little tyrant.” Yes, I have heard a parent say that. What happened? The child grew up.

I can remember when I was about seven years old. We had a decent-sized back yard, a swing set, a few trees and a four-and-a-half-foot red-stained fence around the entire yard. The fence was there for a number of reasons but mostly for my mom’s peace of mind and my safety.

If I was in the fenced-in yard, she could run into the house for a minute and come back out without worrying about my behavior too much. The fence around our back yard