Design Your Family Inc Now!

Hopefully you just finished reading chapters 10-11 of Faith and the Modern Family and have just arrived at chapter 12. If not, that’s ok! You can still download the Family Inc. Workbook and get started on building your family’s future. Simply click on the workbook below and get started.

The Family Inc. Workbook is a 34 page guide that will help you plan for your family’s future by accomplishing five steps.


   Download The Family Inc Workbook

   Download The Family Inc Workbook


The 5 Steps You Will Learn In The Family Inc. Workbook

Step 1: Deciding My Family’s Foundation

Step 2: Designing My Family’s Vision

Step 3: Describing My Family’s Mission

Step 4: Defining My Family’s Values

Step 5: Determining My Family’s Goals


Think of this workbook as a step-by-step guide to walk your family through the process of creating your family’s mission statement.

There are questions to answer, activities to complete and thoughts to record. You will brainstorm ideas and think creatively about the focus and future of your family. The process is simple, but it will take some time to complete. Enjoy the process and set a reasonable pace to walk through each step. You don’t need to rush, but don’t let it drag either. The longer you wait between steps the more momentum you lose.