An Encouragement to All Leaders Who Have Blown It

You see it everywhere, reclaimed wood, reclaimed metal, reclaimed furniture, and in California reclaimed water. “Reclaimed” is the new, well, new.

We take reclaimed things and reuse, redecorate and rethink how to best use old elements in new ways…we RePurpose them.

With all of this reclaiming and RePurposing of wood palates, used brick and metal pipes we have forgotten the most important of all reclaimed things, people.

Broken people, hurt people, worn out people, what do we do with them? Best to leave them out back or in a dumpster? I believe God is looking for a few holy dumpster divers to ReClaim and RePurpose people who have been left out back or in a dumpster.

While speaking at an event this past year I asked the pastor of a successful church, “What has been the biggest key to your success as a church this past year?” His response, “I hired all the people that other churches let go.”

Wait a minute. You hired all the people who were broken and beaten down, you hired all the moral failures (By the way, we are all moral failures) and that is the reason for all the success? Sounds vaguely scriptural (Sarcasm intended).

Thank God for the prodigal son, the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery and thank God for Jesus’ lineage. Tamar (slept with her father in law), Rahab (prostitute), Bathsheba (Adultery with David) all recorded by Mathew.


God’s Plan Is Not Changed By Our Behavior

You may have made an unhealthy spiritual choice or choices with your life but that does not mean God is done with you.

God’s plan is not changed by our behavior. If that were true then Matthew should have excluded the three ladies I mentioned above and whom Matthew mentions in Jesus’ lineage.

This past year I heard so many personal testimonies about how they “messed up” or how they "blew it" or how broken they feel not to mention how they were treated by others. “I’m a moral failure” one person told me. Listen, “We are all moral failures my friend. We don’t need to parade everyone across a stage to point it out. Usually, those who are good at hiding their own failure like pointing it out in others.


God’s Gifting Is Without Regret

For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.] Romans 11:29 AMP

Irrevocable means without regret! God never regrets what He has given despite what people tell you or want you to believe. You are being ReClaimed and RePurposed. Restored! God is not done with you, He is not finished with you.


Your Monumental Mistakes Does Not Decide God’s Future Favor


God’s Work In Your Life Will Continue

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 NLT

Pastors, rehire the staff member you fired for drinking a beer while on a mission trip to Africa or the pastor you let go because they are struggling with porn. Get them the help they need. “Restore such a one with a Spirit of Gentleness and humility” is, I believe, how the verse goes.

We have constructed rules, documents and commandments for staff members, pastors, ministers, directors and occasionally the congregation. Here’s what I know about the law, it’s doesn't work except to show people they are flawed, they are broken, they are fallible.


The law is there to show us our sin, not stop us from it.


My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLTse

If you feel that God has given up on you, you are not hearing it from His Word or His Spirit. Your best and brightest days are ahead. Make this year a RePurposed year and ReClaim God’s promises for your life.