
What Kind of Leader Are You? Perfect? Excellent? Or, Good Enough?

What Kind of Leader Are You? Perfect? Excellent? Or, Good Enough?

Picture this...

Your high school student, a senior, is getting ready to head out onto the court to face one of the toughest opponents in the league. This is a pivotal game, it will decide the league champion. They have heard the pregame talk by the coach and they focused and ready.

They are physically and emotionally ready, they have their game face on. Just as they break their team huddle to head out onto the court they look up at you in the stands to get a final boost of encouragement. You stand up to cheer them on and at the top of your lungs you yell, “Go out there and be good enough!”

The 3 People Every Leader Needs In Their Life

The 3 People Every Leader Needs In Their Life

What does it take to be a great leader? Wisdom? Skill? Emotional Intelligence? Yes, yes and yes. Rather than focusing on “What” it takes to be a good leader I want to look at the “Who” it takes to be a good leader.

American novelist Alex Haley said, “If you ever see a turtle on top of a fence post you know he had help getting there.” It wasn’t “the what” but “the who” that got the turtle where he was.

The turtle, like leaders, need people in their life. An isolated leader is

Healthy Leadership Self-Talk: It’s Not What You Are Called, It’s What You Answer To

Healthy Leadership Self-Talk: It’s Not What You Are Called, It’s What You Answer To

Here’s what I know. We are all broken. We were born that way. The trouble I have is I tend to want to live in my brokenness rather than with my brokenness and believe me, there is a difference.

I don’t need to live in a garbage can to know that it smells yet I live with three of them on the side of my house. I guess you could say I live with trash but I don’t live in trash. Why then do I live in my brokenness rather than

4 Ways to Stop Your Hurried Pace of Life

4 Ways to Stop Your Hurried Pace of Life

“Go with the flow!” Have you ever heard those words? The problem is, these days, if we go with the flow we’ll probably drown.

Since the world seems to be stuck in “go,” and sometimes us with it, we need to look at how to stop. With that in mind, here are four “brake-tapping” ways to STOP when the world says go

Encouraging Words For Broken Leaders

Encouraging Words For Broken Leaders

I wish I could see everyone reading this BLOG. If I could I would would ask for a show of hands to the question, “Have you ever experienced brokenness?” Some have, some have not. Some may be in the middle of such an experience right now and are wondering where God is.

Brokenness isn’t fun. In fact, in the moment it hurts, it’s painful, it’s exhausting, and it’s unpleasant. However, brokenness is a pathway to becoming a better parent, better leader, better person, if we allow God’s process do it’s work on us, in us and

Feel Like Giving Up?

Feel Like Giving Up?

Have you ever wanted to Give up? Quit? Walk away? Stop? Leave?
Have you ever wanted your day, week, month or year to be over?
Me Too!

Honestly, there have been times when I was trying to crawl my way through the tunnel of difficulty hoping, praying, believing for a light at the end! It’s in those moments I must ask myself the following four questions to just keep going.

Four Questions To Ask Yourself When You Want To Give Up

1. Do I Have Hope?

Sometimes all we have is hope. There is nothing else available. But, when hope is all we have we are reminded that