From Chapter 7 of "Faith and the Modern Family"

You can read more about how to protect your child online in “Faith and The Modern Family: How to Raise a Healthy Family in A Modern World.”

It’s safe to say that parents have a new role with their children in today’s digital age. We must extend our parenting beyond the walls of what we can see and reach into the vast area of digital media, and that may require a little—or a lot—of learning on our part. If we are not familiar with the new media, then we are going to have to do some exploring and learning so that we can teach our children which path is the right one. That’s my goal in this section. I don’t want to force an opinion, although I will offer it occasionally as an example. I simply want to create awareness or a conversation about how we can raise a healthy family in a modern world.

Accessibility is the new normal. Pizza and pornography are equally accessible via smartphones, tablets and computers our children take with them to school. Sexting and cyber bullying have added new tactics and weapons to our enemy’s arsenal.

In today’s world, you must extend your parenting into your kids’
digital world. I like what Proverbs 27:12 says: “A prudent person foresees the danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”
Mary and I have started reading this verse a new way: “A prudent parent foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton parent goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” As parents, we need to see the dangers ahead, and we must take precautions.
What can you do to protect your child online? There are at least 10 things:


Helpful Downloads

Click to Download The Rules For Maintaining A Healthy Social Media Account

Click to Download The Rules For Maintaining A Healthy Social Media Account

Click to Download The Internet Safety Agreement

Click to Download The Internet Safety Agreement

Click to Download The Cell Phone Responsibility Agreement

Click to Download The Cell Phone Responsibility Agreement


Ten Ways to Extend Your Digital Reach

1. Use Internet filtering software on your computers.
2. Use parental controls on your computer and tablets.
3. Know your child’s privacy settings on social media sites.
4. Spend time together with your child online.
5. Sign an Internet safety agreement with your child
6. Teach your child to never give out personal information.
7. Explain why your child shouldn’t chat with anyone he or she doesn’t know.
8. Discuss the appropriate use of the Internet with your children.
9. Show your child what to do if he or she stumbles onto inappropriate sites.
10. Frequently check your child’s digital footprint.

You can read more about each of these ten topics in “Faith and The Modern Family: How to Raise a Healthy Family in A Modern World.”