
Valley of Blessings Part 2

Valley of Blessings Part 2

It’s been quite some time since I blogged. I realized that I have been waiting to get out of the “valley” so I could tell you all about it in part two. But here’s the deal, I’m still there and likely, you might be also. So what can we do? I shared last time about the story of King Jehoshaphat and and all the families of Israel crying out to God in prayer to save them when they were up against a mighty army. I’m going to share the second part of that story today.

Pieces of My Heart

Pieces of My Heart

My mom is a beautiful seamstress. When I was young she used to make me little smocked dresses and even tiny clothes for my dolls. When I was about four years old, she bought a plain pair of jeans and embroidered all kinds of cool things on them. I remember her letting me pick out what I wanted on my jeans and I chose things that were beautiful like butterflies and things that were special like a pair of glasses which reminded me of my daddy. I still remember my mom working so long and so hard on those jeans and I couldn’t wait for them to be finished so I could wear them! (It was the 70’s so no doubt they were totally in style and bell bottom!) Of course my mom had other responsibilities that went along with being a mom of 4 children and my dad worked long hours at Cook County Jail as a Chaplain. My mom tells me that when she finally finished the jeans