
Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Curious

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Curious

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Curious

I’m not to sure where I picked this thought up but I want to throw it out there as a topic of conversation and, perhaps, a confession of sorts. Here it is…

"Curiosity Is Not Healthy"

Growing up as a child I was quite curious. As a child with unexplainable curiosity, which would be described as ADD today, I was constantly into things.

There was no diagnosis for ADD and no medication either when I was growing up (Unless you count “the belt” as medication) so I would constantly seek

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Cheerful

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Cheerful

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Cheerful

I get it. Life “happens.” Circumstances come our way that are not pleasant, even down right frustrating. Sometimes we need to tie a knot at the end of our parenting rope and hang on for dear life. However, hanging on for dear life, for all of our life, is not a particularly healthy way to live life. Wouldn’t you agree?

Let me introduce the emotionally healthy habit of cheerfulness.

Proverbs says, “Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It’s a slow death to be gloomy all the time.” Proverbs 17:22 TEV.  I happen to wholeheartedly agree with these words. Life tends to be experienced better when there

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are In Control

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are In Control

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are In Control

Please notice I said emotionally healthy parents are in control. I did not say emotionally healthy parents are controlling, there isdifference. Emotionally healthy parents are not controlling however, they are in control or their thoughts, actions and emotions.

Emotional Dysregualtion

When we keep our thoughts, actions and emotions under control we are better parents and, we parent better. We parent from a wise mind, not an emotionally dysregulated one. Emotional dysregulation is a term often used to describe

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Content

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Content

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Content

Paul says, “For I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.” Philippians 4:11 AMP.

So, how does this work with parenting?

How do you stay content when, let’s say, your two year old's only word is no and they use it all day? Or how about when your five your old spills their milk for the fourth time, in the last hour. Or when your ten year old

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Connected

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Connected

Emotionally Healthy Parents Are Connected

If there was a parenting recovery group at church you would stand up and say, “Hi, my name is Craig and I am a parent.” “Hi Craig,” is the response. I'm not making fun of 12 step groups or recovery groups, what I am saying is, the people in those groups have something that many of us don’t and that is the power of authenticity. Each person is there for one reason, connection.

When one person shares their hurts and hang ups there is no doubt they will hear a “Me Too” response and honestly, that is quite reassuring. It's reassuring to know you are not the ONLY one going through life facing what you are facing

4 Ways to Stop Your Hurried Pace of Life

4 Ways to Stop Your Hurried Pace of Life

“Go with the flow!” Have you ever heard those words? The problem is, these days, if we go with the flow we’ll probably drown.

Since the world seems to be stuck in “go,” and sometimes us with it, we need to look at how to stop. With that in mind, here are four “brake-tapping” ways to STOP when the world says go

Encouraging Words For Broken Leaders

Encouraging Words For Broken Leaders

I wish I could see everyone reading this BLOG. If I could I would would ask for a show of hands to the question, “Have you ever experienced brokenness?” Some have, some have not. Some may be in the middle of such an experience right now and are wondering where God is.

Brokenness isn’t fun. In fact, in the moment it hurts, it’s painful, it’s exhausting, and it’s unpleasant. However, brokenness is a pathway to becoming a better parent, better leader, better person, if we allow God’s process do it’s work on us, in us and