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Top 20 Quotes On Work Life Balance

If you haven’t read “From Hectic to Healthy: The Journey to a Balanced Life” here are the top 20 quotes that have been highlighted from others reading the e-versions of the book. I hope they are helpful.

1. You know you are overworking when a seven week small group study on life balance takes 14 weeks to finish.

2. Coming to the end of something is an opportunity to choose a new beginning. Pg 17

3. When you live life out of its correct season, life begins to SPIN. Pg 18

4. Sometimes we think Jesus is distant and detached when He is simply delaying. Pg 36

5. Can doing more good bring more bad? The unfortunate yet simple answer is yes. There is even a name for it, compassion fatigue. Pg 71

6. It seems like the majority of work environments these days reward employees who are the most out of balance. Pg 85

7. Stress may start in your mind, but it ends up in your body. Pg 91

8. I'm pretty sure we weren't designed to do it all. Pg 91

9. We shouldn't try to tackle every opportunity that comes our way. Pg 91

10. I wonder how many times I continued to beg God for things when the reality was that it was going to take a little work on my part. Pg 187

11. God ceased from His work because He saw that it was good and He was finished. Our problem is that we are rarely satisfied with “good,” and we have a tendency to think that nothing is ever “finished.” Pg 107

12. Most of us believe the word “Sabbath” is Hebrew for errands. It’s not. Pg 109

13. Here's some advice I wish I had given myself 10 years ago: “If you want to change the world, start at home and work out from there.” Pg 136

14. Pain was more prevalent than joy for quite a while in our life, but that doesn't mean we were meant to live in it. Pg 155

15. Mary and I have found that we need to view a balanced life not so much as a destination, but as a journey. Pg 155

16. The more you say yes, the more it leads to stress. Pg 158

17. Time doesn't stop while you try to decide how to take advantage of it. Pg 197

18. I used to say, “Go with the flow,” but in today's fast-paced and occasionally suffocating culture, that could mean we may drown in the current. Pg 112

19. How do you enjoy life when you are in the middle of difficulty? It's certainly not by looking at your surroundings. It's by looking beyond them. Pg 155

20. You never drift into the right place; you must paddle there. Pg 57

Do you have a good quote on work life balance? Would you like to share it?

Photo Credit: www.philipbloom.net