Life Balance

How To Find Work-Life Balance In One Step

I have been challenged with a particular phrase. We have all used it at one time or another. A lot of people talk about it, and you have probably overheard it on more than one occasion. If you were to Google this particular phrase, you would find countless pictures and illustrations of it.
Articles, books and blogs have been dedicated to it. The phrase I am talking about is…

“Work-Life Balance”

When I Googled the phrase, the most common illustration I saw was a picture of a scale with the word “Work” on one side and the word “Life” on the other. Just like the picture above.

However, as I have thought through the idea of work-life balance I have some questions. In fact, I flat out disagree with

You Don't Have To Do It All

Have you ever felt like you were burning the candle at both ends and you were running out of wax? Have you ever felt like you had to much on your plate? Have you ever felt like life was moving to fast and you couldn't catch your breath? If so, you may be doing more than you were designed for.

The great news is, we don’t have to do it all (even though we may sometimes feel that way). The bad news is, we often try and do it all. We try and tackle every opportunity that comes our way without asking if it’s our “responsibility” to do so. Maybe the things you are doing are meant for someone else to do. Maybe the things you are doing

The Hardest Word You Will Ever Say

It's one of the easiest words in our language, yet it's the hardest to say. Yes, I’m talking about no.


If we all knew the right time to say no then we would all know when no was the right thing to say. Does that make sense?

Saying no isn’t as easy as it seems. Let’s face it, some personalities have a hard time saying no. Mary and I are two of them! We aren’t talking about saying no to unimportant things. We are talking about saying no to good things, even great things.

How about saying no to an opportunity to feed the homeless? How about saying no to serve on the board of a battered women’s shelter? How about saying no to going on a mission trip or helping someone in need? These people, these opportunities

5 Steps To Family Rest

If you are feeling a bit run down or run over due to inflated schedules both yours and your child’s then here are five steps to find a few moments of rest together as a family.

Step 1: Schedule It

Self-explanatory? Not so fast. A friend of mine, Carey Nieuwhof, and I were speaking at a conference together, and while we were eating lunch, we started talking about––of all things––our blogs. During the conversation, he asked me if I had read the book “Platform.” I said, “Yes, it was a great book!” Carey then asked me, “What have you done that has been most useful to you from reading the book?”

What? Apparently, there is a difference in the lives of people who read books and call them good and people who read books and put a few things they’ve read into practice. Schedule rest now. Open your calendar, look forward

How To Be Present This Christmas Without Coming Unwrapped

How To Be Present This Christmas Without Coming Unwrapped

Each Christmas I tell myself to not get caught up in the hurry and rush of the season. To keep perspective, to slow down, to enjoy the season. Listen to the music, celebrate Jesus, rejoice with others and really experience the joy of our Saviors birth. I don’t want to get so busy doing that I forget being. I want to be fully present this Christmas season without coming unwrapped.

However, at the "present moment," (no pun intended) I feel anxious about what still needs to be done, decorated, purchased and wrapped. What will it take to be fully present, in the moment, each day this Christmas Season? Here are three ideas

3 Ways To Keep Your Thank-Full This Week

How full is your “thank tank” today? Are you running low? Are you running on empty? Are you asking, “What’s a thank tank?” During this season of “Thank-full-ness” from Thanksgiving to Christmas I find myself moving a little faster than usual and with a longer to do list than normal.

As I hurriedly cross off my to do list, get Christmas Cards out, make a list, check it twice…one of the things I forget is to watch my fuel gauge. Amidst the hurry I often forget to refill my “thank.” How about you? If you are looking for a few ways to refill you thank this season here are three ideas.

3 Ways to Keep Your Thank-full This Week

1. Keep Perspective

Notice the word perspective. It comes from the Latin per (meaning “through”) + specere (meaning “look at”). Each of us has a set of lenses that we look through that either cloud or enhance our perspective. This week spend some time focusing on what you have, not what you don’t.

When He saw them