Empowered Living

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21 Conversation Starters To Get Your Family Talking

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1. If my family could repeat a vacation, it would be . . .

2. I’m a great sister or brother because . . .

3. If I could redecorate my bedroom, I would . . .

4. I like to surprise my brother and sister by . . .

5. The best thing that happened to me this week was . . .

6. The best advice I’ve ever received was . . .

7. The best book I ever read is . . .

8. My favorite teacher is . . .

9. I would like to take my family to see . . .

10. The last time my family laughed together was . . .

11. When I grow up, I want to . . .

12. Today, God used me to . . .

13. My favorite Bible verse is . . .

14. One thing my grandparents say is . . .

15. The last time I told someone “I love you” was . . .

16. If I could give my family one thing, it would be . . .

17. If I could create a new family tradition, it would be . . .
18. The talent God blessed me with is . . .
19. My favorite holiday is . . .
20. The last person I gave a hug to was . . .

21. The last app I used on my phone was . . .



Do you have a family conversation starter you could share with the rest of the Empowered Living Community?

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