Driving Force Preschool | Download Version


Driving Force Preschool | Download Version


Driving Force is an eight-week series that teaches preschoolers that Jesus should have first place in their life. Cassie, Spencer and Baxter will show them how Jesus lived his life and will give them practical ways to make Him the boss of their attitudes and actions. This series is based on Colossians 1:18,  "So in all things Jesus has first place"

This curriculum comes with everything the “hardcopy” version has but in a download version.

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Lesson 1 Faithfulness: When Jesus saw walking by the sea, He called to some fisherman to follow Him and be His disciples. Preschool children will learn that they can choose to be faithful to God by choosing to follow Him also.

Lesson 2 Protect: Jesus calmed the storm and protected the disciples when they were afraid. They will learn that they can trust God to protect them when they are scared.

Lesson 3 Self-Control: Peter did not have self-control when he cut off a soldier's ear in the Garden of Gethsemane. Preschoolers will see that it pleases God they stop and think, before they do something out of anger.

Lesson 4 Obey: Preschool children will hear Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan, who obeyed God by showing love to his neighbor in need. They will see that God wants them to obey their parents out of love.

Lesson 5 Serve: A paralyzed man's friends served him, by taking him to see Jesus who healed him. Preschoolers will learn that they can serve others at home and at school.

Lesson 6 Trust: Preschool children will hear how Peter trusted Jesus so much, that he was able to walk on water, they will see that God wants them to trust in Him also.

Lesson 7 Peace: When Jesus came over for dinner, two sisters acted differently. Martha was too busy to listen to what Jesus was teaching, but Mary sat at His feet. God wants Preschoolers to take time to learn about Jesus each day.

Lesson 8 Joyful: Preschool children will hear how Paul and Silas were joyful even when they were put in prison for talking about Jesus. They can make the right choice to be joyful even when things don't go the way they want them to.